"Support Your Local Communities, Where Professionals Do Professional Work"
This corporation shall operate without profit to:
(a) Associate builders and remodelers within the above described jurisdiction for the purpose of mutual advantage and cooperation;
(b) Cooperate with all branches of the building and remodeling industry including manufacturers, dealers, financial institutions,and suppliers within said jurisdiction for the purpose of mutual advantage and for the benefit of the industry as a whole;
(c) Maintain high professional standards and sound business methods and practices among its members through the enforcement of its Code of Ethics;
(d) Secure cooperative action in advancing the common purposes of its members; uniformity, and equity in business usages and laws; and proper consideration of opinion upon questions effecting the building and remodeling industry within the jurisdiction of this corporation.
(e) Assist in the accomplishment of the mutual objectives of similar trade associations.
(f) Assist the officers, Board of Directors, and committees of the Western Illinois Builders Association and qualifying members operating within the above described territorial jurisdiction.
We strongly recommend a CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE from anyone who works for you.