Posted 03/02/17




The speakers for the WIBA Membership Meetings are listed by month.

February- Marcia Schlicht, Growth Corp.

February-Amber Smith, Tompkins State Bank
October- Eric Hanson, City Manager, City of Galesburg

January- Pam Gaither, Galesburg Area Chamber of Commerce
February- Chris Miller, Galesburg Warehouse Bargains
March- Susan Higgins, Western Illinois Title
April- Sarah Varner, Platinum Key Real Estate
May- Steve Gugliota, City of Galesburg
September- Kelly Jensen & James Bozym, Lowes
October- Ken Springer, Knox County Area Partnership for Economic Development
November- kori Jensen, Century 21 Affiliated

November- Steve Gugliotta, City of Galesburg
October- Kaylee Johnson, WIBA
September- Noell e Thompson, Galesburg Public Library
May- Steve Hawkinson, People's Do-It Center
April- Jeff Houston, GHS, Galesburg Area Vocational Center
March- Ken Springer, Knox County Area Partnership for Economic Development
February-Sue Dutell, Christmas in Action
January- Randy Newcomb, Executive Director Welcome Center

November- JimWalters, Habitat for Humanity Knox County
October- Dirk Lefler, Workforce Office of Western Illinois
September-Steve Hawkinson, People's Do-It Center
May- COVID cancellation
April- COVID cancellation
March- COVID cancellation
February- COVID cancellation
January- COVID cancellation

November-COVID cancellation
October-COVID cancellation
September- COVID  cancellation
May-COVID cancellation
April-COVID cancellation
March-COVID cancellation
February-Andrea Condreay, Gale School Elementary Teacher and Vice President of Galesburg Educatiors Association
January- Ken Springer, Knox County Area Partnership for Economic Development

November- Will Richards, Moxie Solar
October- John Bientema, Maeren Illinois
September- Wayne Carl, City of Galesburg
May- Jim Johnson, Residential Mortgage Lender, First MIdwest Bank
April- Todd Meinhold, Cool Roofs
March- Kate Bullis, KWB Paints on Main
February- Amy Ruhl, Porter Hay Insurance
January- Jennifer Sperry, Thrivent Financial Builds Habitat for Humanity- Hawaii

November- Jim Emmanuels, Peoria Radon Mitigation
September- Scott Howe, Howe Overhead Doors, Inc.
May- Derek Alton, Knox County Housing Authority
April- Dee Spivey, First Midwest Bank- Community Involvement
March- Shelly Trueblood, Galesburg Register Mail, Ken Springer, Knox County Area Partnership for Economic Development
February- Carrie McKillip, Knox County Extension, Michelle Hoffman, First Mid Bank & Turst- Project Rebound
January- Wayne Carl, City of Galesburg


November- Gina Martin, Farmers Insurance Agency
October- Check Heady, Todd's Mudjacking Services
September- Mark Romano & Ralph Schmidt, Diamond Pier Foundation Systems
May- Andrew Fritz, Spoon River Landscaping
April- Charlie Goodrich, Liquid Green Lawn & Tree Care
March- Scott Howe, Howe Overhead Doors, Inc.
February- Mark Rudolph, KCCDD, Inc.
January- Nathan Clark, Galeburg Register Mail, Chris Postin, Galesburg Radio Stations, & Wayne Carl, City of Galesburg

May 2016

Ken Springer, Knox County Area Partnership for Economic Developement

April 2016

Richard Nelson

Water Superintendent for the City of Galesburg


March 2016

 Adeel Ismqaili


Field Representative from Huber Engineered Woods AdvanTech Zip System Sheathing & Tape


February 2016

Nathan Clark

The Register Mail


January 2016


Julie King


The National Railroad Hall of Fame


Engines of Freedom



November 2015


Matthew Carlson

Building Inspector

City of Galesburg


October 2015

Ken Springer


Knox County Area Partnership for Economic Development


September 2015

Todd Thompson

Manager for the City of Galesburg



May 2015

Wayne Allen

Alderman for City of Galesburg


April 2015

Anthony Chinn 

Klingner & Associates

formerly known as Metzger Johnson Architects


March 2015

Adam Baze 

J Mac Metals


February 2015

Berit Herdman 

American Water Heater


January 2015

 Wayne Carl


Engineer for the city of Galesburg & the new Public Works Director


The 3rd grade separation underpass planned for East Main St.



November 2014

Zach Thiel

Lifestyle Homes


October 2014

Wayne Allen

Alderman for City of Galesburg


September 2014

Mark Blackburn

Community Bank President

First Mid-Illinois Bank & Trust


May 2014

Steve Brody

Executive Director

Galesburg Area Chamber of Commerce


April 2014

Don Moffitt

State Representative for Illinois


March 2014

Chuck Heady

Todd’s Mudjacking Services, Inc.


February 2014

 Carrie Phillips 

University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service

Karen Cabrera

F & M Bank

Nancy Berry 

Midwest Bank of Western Illinois

Safety First now called Project Rebound


January 2014

 Todd Thompson

City Manager for City of Galesburg


Novemer 2013

Steve La Font

Home Comfort Insulation


October 2013

 Tom Simpkins

Chief of Galesburg Fire Department


September 2013


Wayne Carl

Engineer for City of Galesburg.

Seminary & Kellogg Sts. bridge


May 2013

Dan Stoerzbach

Attorney at Law

Mechanics Liens


April 2013


Dustin Courson

 Courson & Associates


March 2013

 Sal Garza

Mayor of City of Galesburg


February 2013
Shawn Pitman, Midstate Manufacturing
Business Expansion

January 2013

Jim Hankes, Thruswood Farms
Business Expansion

December 2012

Christmas Party

November 2012

Wayne Allen, City Alderman for Galesburg 
City Progress

October 2012
Wayne Carl, Galesburg City Engineer
Topic:  Bridge Update

September 2012
Lamboo Inc.

May 2012
Intellihot Green Technologies

April 2012
Brian Davison, Unique Landscaping

March 2012
Tammy Lufkin, Lufkin-Schwieter Ready Mix
Topic:  Fiber Concrete

February 2012
Mark Schulte, Generac
Topic: Generators

January 2012
Chris Courtright, Courtright Construction Inc.
Topic: Concrete Countertops

November 2011

Dan Foley, Galesburg Fire Department

October 2011
Galesburg City Manager, Todd Thompson

September 2011
Pilot Club of Galesburg

May 2011
Judge Harry Bulkeley, local historian

April 2011

Senator Darin LaHood

March 2011
Knox County Sheriff David Clague

February 2011
Perry Rochaw, Conco Paint Representative

January 2011

State Representative Don Moffitt


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